First Name: ------------Toritrip-------------


Toritrip is a man who has bad felled the war and the army, (waw ca veu dire quoi ca ?? j’ai beau chercher je trouve pas …)

Si c qu’il a fui la guerre tu doi mettre who has fled the war and the army
Si c les sontiments (il aime pas la guerre) met who as bad feelings about war and the army

he was a Russian boy, his family’s death shocked him for the rest of his life !

He became an orphan and spend long years switching from adoptive family to an other...

One day, his foster father enrolled him in the army...

Toritrip lived that very badly so he decided to leave Russia for France ...

There he joined in the Foreign Legion and learned straight discipline and how to fight... after his military career, he went in a group of activist. With his new camaraderie they decided to take over his new fatherland!!!!

(j’ai pas trop compris ce que tu veut dire par la de quelle territoire tu veu parler quand to parle de fatherland tu devrai preciser)
(j’ai mi en phrases ce qu’il y a plus bas )

Toritrip has a really unstable temperament he can be very angry and a second later a kind and lovely person. He has a lot of experience in fighting and in life for he is a old man and has an unwavering will to take over their territory

(ca c’est ta version corrigée mais je preferes quand c’est mi sous forme de phrases)


He is unstable by instants, he can be very very very angry or very very very nice a second later !

He know how to fight, he is very determined to take over our territory

He has a lot of experience and he always advises his Team mates !



au fet je te conseil de changer de nom toritrip ca veut dire voyage tori tu dois surement deja le savoir mais je ne vois pas tro l'interet d'apeller ton perso comme ca ;sauf si c'est le nom de ton perso dans toribash la c'est diff

hmm sny il y a encore quelques fautes je vais te le reécrire pour demain en modifiant un peut les phrases mal tournés
Last edited by ppt; Mar 2, 2009 at 09:46 PM. Reason: trop de language sms
I think that you know
(and worse if you know: SNY)

( je crois que tu devrai juste ecrir ton nom c plus rapide lol)
(et dans tout les cas j’ai pas compris ce que tu voulais dire par and worse if you know
C’est comme si tu disai : je croi que tu sais (et c’est pire si tu sais : sny) si c’est ce que tou voulais dire je sais pas comment i’interpreter


sny was at home.
he had the slab, he would kill to have a pizza!
but he didn’t even had enough money to buy himself a full texture set plus a pure force.
he could not eat ...
what a crual world! letting the poor sny die...
the rich are always getting wealthier while the poor struggle to survive...
this deprived sny only had a sapphire force, an adamantium relax, gradients are adamantium and gaia,
he had aqua trails, a chest and head texture.
oh and without forgetting the gaia emote text and neptune timer and ghost
he is a 3rd dan
can you picture the poverty of this guy!
a beautiful day while he was getting ready to go beg, he saw an add on the TV (yes, he lives in a friend’s house)
Toriconquest! you can earn TONS of Toricredits! Do not wait, go sign up!
sny listened to the add, he didn't wait...

that is why today, while his hunger is still growing ( ta phrase a toi corrigée c’est he began to get even more hungry mais la mienne est mieux ), he is determined to win!
(especially since he still is a 3rd dan: p)
Happily, there is a Free buffet

J’ai edit mon histoire page 6 prend la nouvelle avant de nous inscrire

Je vais mettre un post sur la page officielle de toriquest pour leur dire qu’on va bientôt apply pour qu’ils ne commencent pas sans nous hehe le type a l’air déprimé parce qu’il n’y a pas une queue de 200 types qui veulent rentrer dans son event je veut lui donner de l’hespoir pour pas qu’il annule tout.
Last edited by ppt; Mar 3, 2009 at 05:13 PM.



sny was at home.
he had the slab, he would kill to have a pizza!
but he didn’t even had enough money to buy himself a full texture set plus a pure force.
he could not eat ...
what a crual world! letting the poor sny die...
the rich are always getting wealthier while the poor struggle to survive...
this deprived sny only had a sapphire force, an adamantium relax, gradients are adamantium and gaia,
he had aqua trails, a chest and head texture.
oh and without forgetting the gaia emote text and neptune timer and ghost
he is a 3rd dan
can you picture the poverty of this guy!
a beautiful day while he was getting ready to go beg, he saw an add on the TV (yes, he lives in a friend’s house)
Toriconquest! you can earn TONS of Toricredits! Do not wait, go sign up!
sny listened to the add, he didn't wait...

that is why today, while his hunger is still growing, he is determined to win!
(especially since he still is a 3rd dan: p)
Happily, there is a Free buffet

You've sent 500 toricredits to ppt

hampa has sent you 300000 toricredits.
Mon nom je pense que vous le savez

J'ai pas grand chose a dire a part que je suis très calme , que j'aime bien les coups tordus , que je fait de mon mieux en toute circonstance et que je déteste le wushu !
Originally Posted by Scratch73 View Post
Mon nom je pense que vous le savez

J'ai pas grand chose a dire a part que je suis très calme , que j'aime bien les coups tordus , que je fait de mon mieux en toute circonstance et que je déteste le wushu !

Mon nom est 73 ... Scratch73


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