Christmas Lottery
TC Request

Name: Stickicide
Amount Requested: 1K
Usage (Buying Items, Buying Textures, Etc.): So I will have 10K monies
Estimated Length of Withdrawal:<----------> that long
Why You Deserve It (High Amounts Only) Im merely a hardworking farmboy. Please sir, care to help the honest working man out?
Have You Borrowed in the Past: No, but failed to recieve one
Have You Failed to Repay a Loan:^
Sending Camo Blood to TheChamber
Sending Camo Blood to TheChamber
Sending Chronos Blood to TheChamber
Sending Chronos Torso to TheChamber
Sending Cobra Blood to TheChamber
Sending Cobra Emote to TheChamber
Sending Cobra Ghost to TheChamber
Sending Cobra Grip to TheChamber
Sending Cobra Right Hand Motion Trail to TheChamber
Sending Cobra Secondary Gradient to TheChamber
Sending Cobra Timer to TheChamber
Sending Cobra Torso to TheChamber
Sending Cobra User Text to TheChamber
Sending Copper Blood to TheChamber
Sending Copper Ghost to TheChamber
Sending Copper Grip to TheChamber
Sending Copper Left Hand Motion Trail to TheChamber
Sending Copper User Text to TheChamber
Sending Crimson Emote to TheChamber
Sending Ecto Blood to TheChamber
Sending Helios Blood to TheChamber
Sending Ivory Force to TheChamber
Sending Noxious DQ to TheChamber
Sending ORC force to TheChamber
Sending Orc Primary Gradient to TheChamber
Sending Tyrian DQ to TheChamber
Sending Tyrian Force to TheChamber

sent some of my old stuff.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
I realsize that i am not in your clan and the only reason i am here is because i would like to opoligise
for stealing your bank character Zoopy SauberGT and Shinigami5 all stole your bank character together we would like to say sorry and i know theres no way fro me to get back into toribash forums on my old im teribly sorry and hope that you got all your items and tc back please yell at me...i deserve it
Originally Posted by Zoopy1 View Post
I realsize that i am not in your clan and the only reason i am here is because i would like to opoligise
for stealing your bank character Zoopy SauberGT and Shinigami5 all stole your bank character together we would like to say sorry and i know theres no way fro me to get back into toribash forums on my old im teribly sorry and hope that you got all your items and tc back please yell at me...i deserve it

You disgust me. I've spent 2 days now tracking the TC, flames, and items through bounce accounts only to find that you spent it on fucking texture trails and ugly colors. If I have it my way, all of your accounts will be IP banned when I'm through investigating where Sigma's items and money went.

Originally Posted by aslask View Post
I do believe it's retrieved by now. It's (sort of) mature of you to apologize, though.

Hardly. I've just now found and banned all of the bounce accounts.

SauberGT, Shinigame5, Zoopy, Zoopy1, Sk8er, BongSuccer, Jrider.... I'm sick of it. We've lost hundreds of thousands of TC, multiple flames, and hundreds of items...
Wait wait wait,we've being robbed of items and things ? D:<
You guys should change the pass to

k193tujig93q8t9gjkqev9040620 or something like that ...

But meh..
Centuries Of Damn
Oh, sorry Novitech. I thought it was from the last robbery. If it's recent, I will delete that post, and admit my failure.

Shame on you, robbers!
Yeah, different kind of robbing. The kind where they somehow figured out the password, and then proceded to send all of the items and TC off in different directions, and eventually back to their own accounts. I'm pretty sure all of the TC is gone/spent. In one case, Sauber used TheChamber to buy a 220k flame from the youshop from one account, and then send it back to himself via another account.

So, the chamber has 0 of it's previous 600-800k tc, and all of the items are scattered over various toribash users...

To an extent, the clan bank will never recover. However, neither will any of their accounts... >: