Got three packs to sell (one pack consists of two packs tho ;P).
Copper pack - 24k
Neptune pack - 30k
Toxic+Amethyst pack - no idea, after looking on toxic pack market prizes I can tell it's quite much :v
I sent you a PM with my deal
Edit: ok sending 12k for copper and 40k for amy+toxic packs
Selling plasma stuff 50% off of the plasmas' and selling hot pink full set plus Maya full set
I dont need plasma, but how much for hot pink and maya sets?
750tc's and we have a deal
acid force
cobra blood,ghost(x2),dq,emote,grip, grads,torso,user text
crimson blood,ghost,relax
gaia relax
noxious dq
pharos dq,grads
toxic grads(x3)
ALL for 25k
11k and we have a deal
Hmmm, i'll send velvet torso for 18k.
accepted sending 18k
PS:New rule added to my shop:
Originally Posted by MNR
Do NOT send me Items if we did't accepted the deal yet.
Last edited by MNR; May 10, 2009 at 04:46 PM.