Member Duties
Bof where are you? Brads absent at the moment, don't know why and you're meant to be taking charge.
OK here's the guidelines Brad correct me if I'm wrong.
Leader: Leads the clan, sets a good example, full recruiting powers, oversees all clan activity, organizes inter-clan events, sets and updates goals and makes the clan official. etc...
Co-leader: Helps the leader make decisions, sets a good example, takes over ALL the leaders duties when they're away, has recruiting powers(Same as leader). etc...
Elites: Set good examples, pass messages and suggestions on to the lead or co-leader, suggests better ways of running the clan, helps with clan activities has input to decisions. etc...
Members: Suggest better ways of running the clan to the elites, participate in clan events, post and keep the clan fun and alive. etc...
Hope this helps and everyone keep posting.