Christmas Lottery
Hey Kyou ^^.

Probably due to inactivity. This may be obvious, but try PM'ing Slanesh or Coon and see if they can re-invite you. I'm confident that they'll let you back in.
the goblin
Originally Posted by TamaKuu View Post
I'm sure you can survive it man. Can't wait till you come back.

Anyone here have XBOX360 and MW3?

Meehhh i got xbox 360 but not Cod mw3 But i have cod mw3 on ps3 and pc That is all
i ned freinds ;c
Wait for teh PS4!
I already have a Ps3 it's pretty good, I play my Skyrim on it, Xbox never tried but I do recommend the Ps3, I'm gonna buy a 3DS soon :3
and dont buy a 3ds it sux
its not even 3D its more like expanded reality
3D= coming out
Expanded reality: more depth
the 3ds is like one of those bookmarks that when you turn it the image moves? well that but in a game...
I like my ps3 I never had a xbox 360 so I only can say that ps3 is not a bad choice
Do you really think you're in control
I have had both and well, xbox is much much much better for talking to friends and stuff because well its easier to get a cheap 15$ headset and theres such thing as a "Party" on xbox where only you and your friends can join and speak to each other . Whereas on ps3 everyone can hear you -.-
Originally Posted by 00naruto00 View Post
Should I buy Xbox360 or Ps3

Ps3 bitch!!!
No online costs + better HDMI quality + a blu -ray thingy+ you get to play with me ;) .