When is it kolorz?

Press Dat For Automated Message --->

Seems strange... and if my assholeness-ness-ness is too high for not coming on for a bit... oh well? But anyhow I am still leader and to those of you who left.... go away. I have no more feelings directed to those those who have left, I am not blaming you, nor going to harvest hatred inside because frankly that is literally retarded and I will not do that again. However I do request you go away. You are NOT a member of the clan anymore so asking to be treated as one is out of the question. There is no other way I can come back and (whether I want to put work in or not) help bring this clan back up. I made a decision to start this clan with kolorz and I am not turning my back to it, this is not a decision to me, not a choice, but a requirement of mine as leader. The fact that kolorz has done nothing actually shocks me. I see what this tourney is for but I do not see it necessary. Having me online or offline will not change my dedication I have decided to devote.... Call me a liar and ask what business I have acting like this because I am not here, that's fine. However, even though I may not show it anymore that does not mean that my decision has changed. To you members who have been in here and hopefully will stay in I have found something to connect to you, I think of you as family more or less, at least on this game that we have all decided to dedicate to. So why turn your back? We do not do enough anymore to prove worthy of being a clan, is the only thing I can see you saying. To me at least I am not owning, nor joining a clan based on prestige, or to higher your ranking in this online society that had become so apparently aggressive. So be this crazy of me or not... To any of you who have joined based on the following reason and NOT because your our friend or don't care any more, get out. To the members who I HOPE have dedication to us as your "friends" I assure you that if we try we can get this clan back up to what it should be.

Really that is my rant on whats going on and why it should not be....
- The asshole
[ Path ]
Chacosownr: I dont want to just smear my balls on your face. I want to plant them.
R.I.P: [eXo] [WM] [TFO]
That is what I love about the current members they are devoted and have stayed loyal. Budai thank you for the inspiration I agree 100% with everything you said. And btw your not an asshole you are one of the few reasons I am in this clan.
I play Toribash.
I agree but the reason I left is because I don't think the leaders know how to be leaders.
Reported for reporting a reporter that reported someone else for reporting.
Backstab, if you read through that I wanted you to stop posting here, you were sort of a co-leader... So why single us out after leaving and not even ONCE suggestion how we may improve? Again I dont want an answer, just leave as I requested. But If you do see this, how dare you call us bad leaders when you abandoned your last clan, as kolorz was the leader of tfo, you only owned it. So how dare you... Call US out, when kolorz lead your last clan too.
Last edited by Budai; Jun 27, 2013 at 07:28 AM.
[ Path ]
Chacosownr: I dont want to just smear my balls on your face. I want to plant them.
R.I.P: [eXo] [WM] [TFO]
Sorry, but THIS will be my last post...For YOUR information Kolorz left TFO first I stayed with it till the end I did NOT abandon it, i've never abandoned a clan. Goodbye....for good.

Kolorz good luck with the clan. Budai fuck you.
Reported for reporting a reporter that reported someone else for reporting.
Backstab you did nothing to lead tfo, so how are you a leader? Kolorz left because of that! Now you called me out as a bad leader? No...
[ Path ]
Chacosownr: I dont want to just smear my balls on your face. I want to plant them.
R.I.P: [eXo] [WM] [TFO]
Dude budai I agree with backstab...people are leaving because the "leaders" are never on to organize the clan and keep it in I am still loyal to this clan I just please...organize your shit guys.
And those posts derected toward backstab has lost some of my respect of you...kolorz you are still amazing and you are doing great with the just need to be more ingame active budai like...its not that hard
These posts may get me kicked out but I am just trying to help this clan not go under...If this keeps going on and I dont see the leaders ACTUALLY trying to gete the clan more done with this you guys somehow make it active again ill stay
Last edited by waffman; Jun 27, 2013 at 03:14 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Press Dat For Automated Message --->

um woa woa woa... i mean this is supposed to be a clan, like a family, as in treat eachother with respect... not like this, its an organization and you really do need to stop its my fault budai is inactive pretty much and honestly i dont give a fuck what other ppl think about this comment... hes got a life so theres reasons why hes not on all the time so plz stop giving him shit about it, this may get me kicked out but you know... im just saying what truly needs to be said
so if ur gonna give anyone shit lay it on me not him
waff ur message might be true, not hatin... but dont single no one out plz?
theres reasons y ppl are inactve reasons ppl dont need to know about
and props to mathew
Last edited by mikyo; Jun 27, 2013 at 08:41 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
How many potatoes in cat.