Originally Posted by Cyclone3 View Post
But srsly coco, i dont see why we shouldn't try and start a "Urban Workshop V2"
First, we need the amenities as in logo, section things, examples of work, and what else do you think?
Next we should figure out prices of arts we do (text sets, heads, upgrades to peoples sets, avatars, sigs). Dont think we should offer clan pics, those take forever :P

we can Try creating the thread in our private forum first.. work on some diferent designs.. and maybe have a few things ready before we open the shop
Originally Posted by eyCoco View Post
we can Try creating the thread in our private forum first.. work on some diferent designs.. and maybe have a few things ready before we open the shop

K, guess we'll make a thread first then add on things as they're made, will go make now.
We should add a win ratio limit to the applications since buying qi has been made so much easier now. All the qi they buy would be counted as losses so y/n?
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
yes, as 007 told me before, Nabi is selling 10k qi for $30 and no limit to how many times you may buy it. So i suggest making a win ratio min of 1 since the 10k qi you may buy counts as all loses and no one should be below a 1 win ratio.
Seems like a waste of time

Why not just do it the same way we always have done? Judge them on their replays, then if those are good enough test them ingame.

I couldn't give a flying fuck if a green belt or a god belt applies. Chances are they won't be good enough anyway
Originally Posted by rafufu View Post
Seems like a waste of time

Why not just do it the same way we always have done? Judge them on their replays, then if those are good enough test them ingame.

I couldn't give a flying fuck if a green belt or a god belt applies. Chances are they won't be good enough anyway

^This is the way it should be.. imo
The 2nd dan limit.. doesn't seem as if we can use that anymore, after all now will be able to buy QI.

We will have to make Join Date as a new Rule to apply.. that way we know that they have played for a while..
Kind of thinking to just go with what raf said, judge on how they are and not worry about other stuff. If they havent been on long or bought a shit load of qi then they wont be that good either way you look at it.