Please post your Belt here and I will update it as you belt up.
Remember that belts have nothing to do with skill. But who said we can't appreciate the time they contributed on playhing toribash?
ICOF Members
Akhu -
austi77 -
breaking -
callisto1 - Black Belt
chandlerb - 2nd Dan
CheesyBaco - 3rd Dan
Chrissn -
Cyborgzx - Black Belt
Dan91111 - 2nd Dan
DarkRaii - 2nd Dan
DjPz - 3rd Dan
Egpllant - Black Belt
GoS95 - 3rd Dan / Gunzijji - Black Belt
Hakurabu - Black Belt
Henry54532 -
HxyC - 6th Dan
ImVeryBlue - Black Belt
Jago - 3rd Dan
James318 -
Jazzauf - Brown Belt
Jezz -
JDavis -
Killer1132 -
Lelush -
LilDemon -
Lilkilla - 3rd Dan
Maos777 - 5th Dan
MarcoDMan -
MasterKaos - 3rd Dan
Matador5 -
Maxt11 - Black Belt
MegaSpud -
Monkeybo - 7th Dan
Nazimuffin -
Pattrick -
Pikarus - 9th Dan
pownsors - 2nd Dan
P0int - Custom Belt (Conceptual Belt)
Robo-Mohawk - 6th Dan
Skymrak - 3rd Dan
snakeyes9 - Black Belt
Stickman5 - Black Belt
Stingreay - Blue Belt
Vamp_09 - 5th Dan
Vman45 - Brown Belt
WhyNot120 -
Yannsbeck - 3rd Dan
ZillaKilla - 4th Dan