To end this argument about ADC builds.
Have you ever even once seen a professional build a Cleaver? Yeah me neither. Its a pretty trash item. Last Whisperer is WAY better.
Quit fighting over your awful builds. Almost every competitive player follows something similar to this.
Start boots 3 pots.
Followed by either double dorans or a brutilizer depending on personal preference ( Double dorans is better in my opinion but thats up to you. )
After that berserker greves.
After that its IE. Unless you're playing ezreal. In which case its probably a good idea to get triforce, I don't often get triforce on ez but again, personal preference. ( Corki also benefits from a Triforce. You'll need some mana sustain or its not really worth it. )
After that get a Phantom Dancer.
After that get a Last Whisperer.
Fifth item is Blood thirster so you can survive. Unless you have a tri force.
Last item should be either QSS or GA. ( A frozen mallet could be a choice but you need to have some sort of kite ability ontop of this. Something like graves or cait. )
So tl;dr
Boots 3 pots
Double dorans
Phantom Dancer
Last whisperer
Blood Thirster
Guardian angle / Quick silver sash.
Of course a tri force changes this. Just build IE after triforce and don't get a blood thirster.
Throwing in a vampire ceptor in between IE and PD couldn't hurt.
Last edited by Boonana; Aug 25, 2012 at 06:45 AM.