Originally Posted by
Belt:2nd dan black (500 games to 3nd dan)
Preferred Mods:ninjusto, wushu, aukido
Referrals (if any): none
Previous Clans: bleu, kila, zero
Infraction Points/Bans (if any): 2 points
Talents(Tb related):nice replays.... and in the future a texture master
What you will bring to the clan: a member who fight for 42
Other stuff we have to know:i like pizza, and love do sparrs
You will need to include 3-5 replays. (SP preferred, Examples below)
and a sparr
Well...first of all, your grammar is barely understandable.
You have 2 infraction points, how you got them?.
Being a future texture master is not a talent is a goal most likely.
You said you are going to fight for [42], how?.