Originally Posted by
I wrote an app before this that was free form but my net crashed >.<
Name (Real name): The name's Will, but you can call me... uh... Will.
Gender: I am infact a male, last time I checked I was anyway.
Age: I am currently 14 turning 15 in 5 days (25th November 2014)
Gmt: I have a GMT of 0. England amirite?
Belt: I'm currently a 2nd dan black belt with around 110 games until 3rd.
Why do you want to join: Because I'm an ugly fuck, and mainly because I feel like I'd get along with all of you guys. Maybe i'd learn a thing or two aswell ^.^
Past Clans: (Aura), (Haze), (h0wl) and [Evil]
Why did you leave your past clan?: Well, Aura, haze & h0wl all died incredibly quickly as they were new clans. I left Evil mainly because of their scarce clan board posts.
What can you offer? : I can offer you compliments, questions and a fucking nice cup of tea.
What underwear color?: Underwear? I wear none.
If your Uncle Jack got stuck on an elephant, would you help your Uncle Jack off?: No, Uncle Jack stole my cookies.
Invited by some one?: Nope, this makes me sad...
Special Skills?: I make videos for my youtube channel and play Osu super seriously.
Are you a funny guy? Prove it: What did one Ocean say to the other? Nothing, they just waved. 'That was terrible' Don't be such a beach.
You have potential kid but Im still in doubt if we should accept you or not:
- Trying too hard to be funny which kinda bothers me
- You remind me of myself when I was your age. Your app is decent, pretty nice videos for someone like your age.
- I see no potential contribution to the clan in the near future if we accept you. I just see a bit more activity from our members including you and thats all.
-Your offers arent very pleasing. Offering compliments and questions is something anyone could do.
-Erasing something you had written and then proceeding on into making an excuse.
I remember when I was your age, I wanted to get in the popular clans just like you. That is why Im going to stay as neutral for now.
If you do get in youre going to be in a 1 month trial just to let you know.
Ill ask you a question: What brings you here? There are a lot of funny, friendly, active, potential clans out there. Why us?
Last edited by BioEx; Nov 20, 2014 at 09:30 PM.