You can try to apply for the clan at this thread by filling the form.Good luck (hope you don't need it).
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
only brown belt and up
actually black belt and up but if you're good as a brownie(xD) already you can join then
no blue belts
and unamed isnt inactive just doesnt post alot
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
you were the one who edited it last
and i had to edit it out again...
anyway it's ok again now and noone cares anymore
Last edited by destiny; Oct 24, 2009 at 03:38 PM.
are you guys still having this debate? omg just make up your minds!!! If they've been inactive for over a month, then kick them!!! ITS NOT THAT HARD!!!
[Hunters] Look down retard... [Hunters]
You try to get away, yet you only make it quicker.