Originally Posted by
Why does everyone on this forum have a hard-on for Jayce?
There are much better tops.
Simple, he has a bad pre lvl 7-9, but he can still farm well enough in those levels because he has a ranged auto attack along with above average escapes.
Once you max out his E, you'll do 25-35% of the enemy's HP in a single hit from his E in melee form on a low cooldown of 10 seconds. Three or four hits from that ability alone WILL kill you. This is ignoring the fact that he still has the proc from switching to melee form, and his Q and autoattack damage, and the fact he'll knock you back at the same time, making response difficult.
He's hard to itemize against in lane - his E in melee form does MAGICAL damage (based on your max health too). The rest of his abilities do physical damage (don't forget he's capable of doing physical in ranged attacks). HP/Armor/MR are all bad choices - sustain is your best bet, but his damage will always outdo sustain from items.
Bottom of the line, you'll never win a lane against Jayce without good jungler pressure, or you simply being much better than the Jayce.
Outside of lane, if you build frozen mallet before min 20, and bloodthrister before min 35 (2 dorans, boots 2, and hexdrinker situational), you'll be set for your teamfights, as you'll be able to speed up your team, do a good chunk of damage on anyone with your E + ok scaling on the rest of your abilities, along with a free reverie for your team, as well as decent tankiness with your bonus armor/mr from melee form. (great synergy with Skarner btw)
I'll be willing to upload a couple of replays, or play with/agaisnt you (I'm on EUW, alias Revolving) - or I believe sOAZ played Jayce quite a few times in the recent tournaments - and I heard he was successful - although I did not see it for myself.
TLDR: Jayce outscales all other top laners with levels in lane - and is able to contribute in teamfights with decent to great damage (depending on how far your item build is), speed up (GREAT for catching people or getting a better position), and slows (mallet + Q in melee), and a knockback.
Originally Posted by
Hey guys, i'm looking for someone different, that has weird stuff. I'm tired of the boring melee ad, etc. Who's a fun, weird, and preferably ranged ap champion that can play solo top or mid? I would buy Kennen, but I feel like his early game is so weak, and he's squishy, does little damage, and one death can determine the game.
If you like skillshots, try Lux. High early-mid game burst potential, good poke late game. Very fun if you get her down - frustrating if you keep getting caught.
Ziggs is a high skillcap champ that has a great early-mid game as well - can potentially win almost every lane if played well.
Last edited by Deprived_OLD; Aug 29, 2012 at 01:57 PM.