I'll see what I can do about it then.
On a side note, I decided to hunt myself an enderdragon.
I'm gonna need :
-9 stacks of dirt (64) (to climb the obsidian towers). -
-1 diamond sword.
- Prepared.
-9 bows. -
-2 stacks of arrows (64).
-1 stack of chests (6 of the chests, not 64) (to put the items I don't need in the base I'm gonna put near the end portal). -
-2 stacks of torches (64) (to light up my way to the portal so I'd know my way back, cause if i die, I don't wanna make another compass and was). -
-1 stack of ender eyes (all I have).
-1 stack of obsidian (all I have) (just in case I wanna defend myself in the end). -
-4 stacks of stone (64) (to build the high number of bases when night comes while I'm on my way to the far portal). -
3 4 stacks of food. -
And 3 empty slots in my inventory will remain.
Anything else you think I should get before I make my journey? I've still got a bit of time until I get a high number of feathers to make more arrows.
Last edited by EJM; Mar 8, 2012 at 11:20 PM.