Let's go for a proper CnC then, my friend (I have 5 minutes to finish typing this)
Opener is perfect, your running is clean, fast and effective, just a little stif imo and I'm not a fan of the bending. Still 10/10
Now comes my favorite part of this replay. Dude, you was insane doing all this trick thing with flips and everything else, I don't know what to say, this is just amazing and your flow is amazing. My favorite part of my favorite part is when you frontflip with that slab flowing AMAZINGLY, absolutely awesome man. 10/10
Nothing special about the run next, but you get extra points from me for recovering balance so fast and so easily.
I really don't like your start up to drop that box, but I love your follow up with the trick
fitted perfectly. I would just complain about the ending of the trick, most of the landing you just kept your arms still. 6/10
Your running next is a little clumsy next and you had to rearrange your legs several times to avoid falling towards but that's mostly due to your bending while running (I have no idea how you can run looking to the floor =_= ). But worked well anyways, even though I believe it was rushed and you could do better. 8/10
The way you pose oofs me but it worked well, but looks a lot lazy and rushed. 6/10
Overall 9/10 replay
sorry for giving scores^
I kinda hate that, but I can't point in details now what it looks like to me because I'm running out of time. Anyways, great job with this replay man!
talking about parkour, I'll post my TK's (Karbn's parkour org) apply replay wip here that I'm really proud of so far