Originally Posted by darrenl4 View Post
On another note, whats everyone doing for valentines?

Nothing because nobody likes me
Probably hang out with my girlfriend, do something for her
Originally Posted by darrenl4 View Post
On another note, whats everyone doing for valentines?

Valentines in Brazil is only on June, so.. Nothing. I also am single so double nothing.

Well whilst you miserable people aren't doing anything, I'm going to a small coast town called Brighton, for the day because its cheaper then what we were originally going to do, then we gonna smash. Mucho Funno
Originally Posted by darrenl4 View Post
Well whilst you miserable people aren't doing anything, I'm going to a small coast town called Brighton, for the day because its cheaper then what we were originally going to do, then we gonna smash. Mucho Funno

Yeah that doesn't sound boring or anything.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
hehehehehehehheheheheehhehehehheheheheheheheheh he's right tho
Last edited by Nausea; Feb 1, 2018 at 12:26 AM.
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