Originally Posted by eddy1217 View Post
Hey, can i join guys?

Didn't even read this post when I invited you, lol.

Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
Unless you're playing xin zhao. Just go balls to the walls and rush in 2v1. You'll probably win anyway.

Take Megadoomers advice when you're new and you will do great!
I played this game for a good few weeks, mostly practice matches, working on builds for my favorite characters, working on gank/territory gaining tactics, add me if you wish but I won't be playing for a few weeks because I'm on vacation in florida..

IGN: Mysterious Kip
Yea i reinstalled everything. Didnt work. Changed my mind about playing the game.

So take ma name off the list
The Official [Evil] Hitman
CashGod | ♫ Joven Dios ♫
I just played solo queue, and i lost because of the noobs. + there was something wrong with my internet connection.
Originally Posted by eddy1217 View Post
Me and Lume had some pretty great games today, trolling Mexicans and shit

Careful. You can be reported and banned from the game.
For all you eager beavers out there, here's the skills for the new champ, he seems pretty fun, but will probably be 6k

So he's got some nice "support" (heals), and looks like you'll want a decent amount of health and some AP, which will add eachother because of his passive. RoA, and Rylai's are going to be huge on this fellow
Last edited by Megadoomer; Jul 22, 2010 at 05:29 PM.
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
For all you eager beavers out there, here's the skills for the new champ, he seems pretty fun, but will probably be 6k

So he's got some nice "support" (heals), and looks like you'll want a decent amount of health and some AP, which will add eachother because of his passive. RoA, and Rylai's are going to be huge on this fellow

Yah, right like someones gonna believe you. :P There are pictures of heimerdingers, ashes and anivias(i think)ultis :P

And, btw, how can you know that?
They have him up in the test realm, those are his real skills as of now and they didn't bother making the images for them yet..