But russian judges are the best judges. :>
anyways, I agree with rfifan its gonna be a no for me as well.
And murc, you have to understand that the standards that we have are not very high. We are just sticking to the standards of what we would use when we had first started this clan. In fact the standards that we have here in duck is not even a quarter of what the standards of many of my past clans were. Many of these clans are anal about everything, but we don't really care who you are necessarily, as long as you are a fun girl/guy.
The reason why so many people are inactive in the clan is due to the fact that we are growing up and many of us are caught up in school, and prostitution (in Bio's case).
The reason why we don't get many applicants is because of the fact that toribash's community is declining. If you were here during 2009ish you would realize that the community has changed drastically and that the activity on the forums has whittled down in recent years. (or maybe its just me idk)
We just want to see effort in an application. Hell if a blue belt applied and put through a great application, than we would sure as hell let them in. We don't really look for skills as much anymore as none of us really go ingame, but we look for people who we can hang around with, pull jokes with, all the good stuff.
Please understand. :c
My opinion:
I understand and don't disagree with any of the points you made Mr.Jingles. But I am also in school and also taking mid-terms and stupid bullshit like that, as well as playing the game, and using my extra free time to handle my other obligations as everyone else.
But how can you expect to keep a clan going when everyone grows up if you never take anyone to keep it going. That's exactly how Bync, Torigod, and some of the other godly clans died. And to go off one of your points, the only thing I post is only in-game related, I don't use the IRC or any other thread the clan use and yall don't have a problem with me (at least i think yall don't =/).
I just feel we need new blood, we can train and nurture them into true duck's but we need to get some new ppl honestly. you dont become active all of a sudden with inactive people. And like i had said other that our clan thread I dont see our clan related towards any other toribash related anything. Im trying to revive the Order of Taekkyon thread but other than that I am the only one having a presence.
My opinion:
Aviso para Esteban Gonzales:
i really want join in your clan
BIOEX surprise me, you seemed interested in me, but when I mentioned that to communicate better without so many spelling mistakes (I speak English, but misspelled) that used google, I said no, I thought it was a 3 vs. 4 yes no, but it seems I'm wrong, anyway the probability that among sincerely, without lying about my data, it was almost minimal.
I thought I could join a good clan, not as above, but I was wrong