Hey [e]. My name is Joey Jackson. I'm 15 years old, but I'm turning 16 in October. I was born in Alaska, but I was raised and now currently live
in Oregon, for some really shitty reason that I don't know. I'm in love with music. I'm a hardcore band kid. I can play a wide variety of instruments. My 2 main instruments are bass clarinet and piano. I've played both for about 4 years now. I want to major in Music Education. Oh, and I can beatbox ;) I just really enjoy music. Also, I'm a really laid back person. I'm usually the one that makes people laugh. I can also be very serious if I need to be. Also some things I can offer to the clan is that I can do GFX.
My channel.
I'm also decent at ABD. That's really the only mod I play. If need be though, I can learn to do others. I just think this clan is full of really cool people. I met Ancient today in a betting server, and he's pretty awesome. Anyways, I think I could make a contribution to the clan. It would be a pretty cool privilege to be in Electric. Also, I'm pretty active now that school is out for the summer. ;)
Thanks for the consideration! Later m8s.
oh, and one more thing. "Yes, I did turn it off and on again."
Also, while I'm waiting for a response, I made this.
Last edited by Gumball; Jul 2, 2015 at 03:50 AM.