Dude, This clan just suddenly got totally inactive after I left.

Normally you guys post every day. Now you barley post half that much.
Bored of this....
Want to join GATA?
but captain is right
idk what to do against it
i always answer new posts
that's all i can do
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
i think the problem is that everybody who will post here soon can answer the same
the thing are the people that do NOT post here
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
agreed with smile guys
we should have another in activity test
and yeas ... we have necome inactive
ex Ldr[HoLy]iceman21...
...we have come.....