Jax roflstomps where he pleases. He is merely the bruiser version of Mundo.
Speaking of the purple giant, I used to play him long ago but stopped. I am thinking of starting him again and jungling this time. Seemsfunman.
Also, I have BDSM Mundo skin.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Dose View Post
Your mother is super easy.

Jokes, I kid the man-woman.

Just re-played ashe for old times sake in a custom 1v1 again sejuani (spelling..?) and raped her ass Started off with berserkers griefs and then bought an infinity edge. After that, I couldn't even complete my phantom dancer due to the enemy nexus being raped. :>

Winning against sejuani isn't difficult.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Urgot - playing him last time at very,very low lvl
Morde - well, he's op, played on smurf
Sona - op
LB - nuke them all

what to buy, god damnit, can't decide.
Originally Posted by Saint View Post
Urgot - playing him last time at very,very low lvl
Morde - well, he's op, played on smurf
Sona - op
LB - nuke them all

what to buy, god damnit, can't decide.

Buy maokai or yorick, extremly fun to play.
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Originally Posted by Saint View Post
Urgot - playing him last time at very,very low lvl
Morde - well, he's op, played on smurf
Sona - op
LB - nuke them all

what to buy, god damnit, can't decide.

Urgot - The AD carry counter. Don't use unless you have a support friend you can rely on. Or play him as a bruiser. Not as good.

Morde - Fun as hell, and op. You can get countered hard, and if you start getting bullied, you won't stop. Make it or break it champion.

Sona - She's a support. And a damn fun one at that. You get assist fed like balls and help in teamfight. You die by blitz though. Always. Always.

LB - Fun nuker, falls off late game and sucks in teamfights despite how good you are or how fed you are.

Answer: Nasus. Hitting turrets for 1/4 of their total health.
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Noah View Post
Answer: Nasus. Hitting turrets for 1/4 of their total health.

Counter Answer: Master Yi does that and does it faster. Both are pieces of shit against any competent team.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Jayce is so ridiculously overpowered its not even funny
first timed him in ranked 1700 elo
12-2 score
second timed him
8-3 score, after the patch which made his attacks more responsive, you now chain combos in a sec instead of having to wait.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter