> Get good at Blitz
> Never worry about any Blitz ever.
Whenever I'm AD carry bot, I can't help but laugh my ass off at enemy Blitzcranks. More than half of them just bush monkey and never use overdrive. Most of them max E first, when the average teamfight, let alone 2v2s, don't even last past the cd at the early levels. Max Q for more grabs and more reward for when you land them. E only takes a second off cd when you level it, grab does that and increases damage. Most start with faerie pendant like tards. Why bother getting early gp5s when you start with early boots to force easy lane dominance. A metric fuckton don't know how to effectively roam. Boots 5 is almost a must on blitz. Most rush tear, when really you should only be getting that if you're getting fed out the ass, in which case then you better not be bot lane support because fuck that's a feed to the ad carry wasted on a champ that scales without gold.
And lastly, most don't know the effectiveness of just overdriving straight at the enemy ad carry to force them to burn summoners and escapes before you even grab them. Most people try to dance around to avoid the grab, so just running straight at them finally makes them realize you're going straight for the punch, so they start to flee 5 seconds too late. Easy punch up, easy setup for a grab. Sometimes, they're far enough out that the punch up will spell the death of them. The grab is just to make sure their ass stays in one place.