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EDIT: On that note, Oracle can tell you from experience that we've beaten a number of 2,000+ teams, though losing to a 1.2k team once back when we would play ranked fives all the time.
Numbers is a studmuffin on LoL. Hangin out with the 4Not girls team. Major playa.
In all seriousness, ye, I can attest to this. You play a lot of teams of varying skill and ELO on Go4LoL, and not all the time are they correlated.
Also, we've watched 2k elo players get triple killed by baron on live stream (Dan Dinh makes some pretty shittastic calls from time to time) ELO doesn't reflect everything about a player.
Heck, Guardsman Bob is still popular and considered a strong competitive player and he hovers around 1600.