What have you been doing recently?

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
Studying hard for school, playing some games such as Skyrim and fables. Well, i'm done with them, so thinkin that playing Toribash again is a good idea and here i am now. It's probably simple but it has been a long year.
Sounds like a good idea. I have about 1 more month of school then I will start to be on more frequently in the summer. As of now, I am more forum active than in-game active.
A hasbeen like the rest
I rarely play anymore.
Oh and I forgot Blacky I'm Raddemon9 if you don't know yet.

Helpful quote

I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
Just started in-game again.
Ah yes Rad i forgot you've changed your account, just realized it's strange when i called you ranged. Well good to see you Rad.
Hey Blacki, nice to see you back mate. How're you doing?
btw, most of us are mostly active in the forums, not in the game itself anymore, so no need to feel bad about being rusty
A lot of amazing players alredy has stopped ou stay active, this is sad, the clans should be 10x strongger if everyone was active. :P
Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
@Soul: Suuuuuure ;)
Nah, if I keep playing bad like the last few days, you'll probably catch up to me pretty soon

I can't play LoL until Thursday, so I'll trail further behind xL

Originally Posted by Blackacezi View Post
Hey Guardians, long time no see.
It's been a year since i last opened this forum. I see you have new members and many don't know me, and probably senior members didn't remember me.
But it's good to see this clan's still alive.

Hey Blacki!!! Long time no see!