Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: Should i use this song?
2 Votes / 50.00%
2 Votes / 50.00%
Voters: 4. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

lol saru i think none of us is photogenic, and we all take a pic of us just to send it.
[elite]Sarutobi: I had a lvl 10 testicle... best day of my life
people take my pic. not because i'm ub3r sexy either. it's usually because i'm acting like an idiot or i look retarded at the time
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
Don't be sorry, just delete the post ;)
also, bouna is right. This game is universal, and therefore it is not really expected that you are able to speak english. however, it really does help when you're talking to me :P

and for the final time no more spam
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
teehee same. Webcam is being stupid. Therefore, I will attempt to get camera and download camera picture. I'm friggin ticked at my webcam. 3rd one that hasn't worked at all.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
Listen up bitches
I say we all splurge a little and all get headsets. If we all manage that, we can go into Skype or something similar and talk to each other. If you're too poor, (saru), your parents are asses, (saru), or you have some other excuse, then meh.

Keep in mind this is not necessary, just an idea.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol