<pr0mod> I made it so that no one could go to the official server
<pr0mod> hampa
<Moltov> Are you saying you hacked?
<pr0mod> yeah ;D
<Moltov> Thats bad you realise
<pr0mod> and?
<Zayex> lol hampa banned him
<Moltov> Haha
<pr0mod> hahaha
<pr0mod> nice
<pr0mod> but
<pr0mod> all official servers
<Zayex> oh hampa...
<Kam> claiming a hack on a support channel full of mods is just stupid
<Zayex> we have a straggler
<pr0mod> under my control
<Moltov> Promod
<Zayex> all your server are belong to us
<Moltov> Hampa will fix then
<@Solax> Lololololol
<Moltov> This is funny
<pr0mod> yeah :D
<Moltov> I love it when people fail to hack
<pr0mod> like it
<Zayex> made me lol
<Zayex> I think I'll save these 3 logs
<hampa> support only please
<pr0mod> gl
<pr0mod> with fix it