Wow. Just wow.
After reading through the thread on our board, then coming here, I feel the need to clear some things up.
1) We haven't recently become official. Two long term official clans merged into a still official clan.
2) Yes, we have the ability to think for ourselves. We just let our allies post their opinions.
3) No, I don't agree with what my idiot allies are saying. Stop labeling us based on them.
4) You managed to piss off one of our leaders by not waiting for him to talk to us.
5) It is true that a good part of the clan is initially against this, but no one is in complete refusal of it. Stop talking about us like we have already come to a conclusion, and let us speak for ourselves. What you're doing is exactly what you blame our allies of doing.
6) Do not interpret any of the above in a hostile manner. I'm just clearing things up.
7) Personally, I think you two should merge and leave us out of it. We clearly have different types of clans.
8[fuck you sunglasses smiley]) Number 6 applies to 7 as well.
9) It however does not apply to 8. That one was meant to scare the cookies out of you so we may feast upon them.
Good day to you all until I report back here.
You are gentlemen and scholars.