Name (in game): Ankrab
Belt: Blue, 279 rank
Favorite Mod (aikido, wushu, jousting, twinswords, tk, kickbox etc.): Wushu, Judo (Really good).
Activity-InGame/Forum (HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW): High. Im on tori every day.
Why do you wanna join? (put some effort into this): I see that's really good clan.
Are you respectful?: Yes
How old are you?: 16
Do you swear overall loyalty?: Yes i do.
Do you make textures?: Well.. Learning ;).
How will you benefit the clan?: All possible ways, but i dont have tc at this moment.
Ban/Infraction History: <none>
Anything else you want to add:
Post One Replay of Yourself in Classic Mod:
Please don't take special attention to that im blue belt.
Ill be soon black belt ;). Matter of 2 days.
Last edited by ankrab; Mar 27, 2011 at 04:02 PM.