They never have unique graphics for champions until they release them. For example, ashe's hawk shot was an ezreal ult for a long time in the TR.
He looks pretty cool, I might main him if he can be as devastating as Fiddlesticks.
Also, I've been playing Xin Zhao. He's OP as fuck.
His skillset looks nice and balanced. Steady AP ratio, not too huge on the damage due to him not using mana. His health costs are pretty hefty at 15% of his health. Health and AP items like Rylai's will come in handy. RoA is arguable, since it also gives mana (useless in this case, might not be cost-effective).
I'm digging all of his skills and see a use for all of them. A slow / defense mechanism in the W and a very hefty damage dealer if you have lots of HP, a regular projectile which heals and damages in his Q, an AoE damage and heal in his E and finally a "teamfight" ult, which not only raises the damage your enemies take, but also deals damage itself, at the cost of 15% of your health. With all the HP he's got, I can see him being a decent initiator with flash, maybe.
Here's me hoping he's either 3150 or 1350. Looking forward to this hero.
Well, ive been fooling around with Rammus and I have to say im doing pretty good. only problem is my teammates...
Based on me liking rammus, ya think id like anyone else?
I found a pretty good team and played with them a couple rounds with me being the tank.
I found that if you get the heart of gold and then the giants belt you become a powerhouse. Then you need to get the beserkers greaves so you run faster and have more attack speed. finally, i got a tiamat. i became nearly unstoppable :P
If you were playing rammus, you don't need berserker's greaves at all, get mercury treads if the other team has stuns, snares, slows etc or you can get ninja tabi if they don't have stuns and stuff. Instead of giants belt, I would work on getting guardian angel and upgrade the heart of gold into randuin's omen.
Aegis of the Legion is always good if you have a weaker team.