Secret Santa 2024
Jhon, now that you left I can say what I been dying to say:
You brung us a bad rep because people said you kept talking crap.
You always cried and shit and acted like a kid.
You are not mature enough, now do not even try to come back.
I am going to vote if we should add you to HoS and Enemies, and I really want to but this is a clan so we vote as one.

Now stay the heck out of this DSC until voting is over.
X|Twitter: @YRBWrld |-| FB: @YRBWrldFP
Discord: Discord Me
um i don't remember him saying he accidently quit O.o when was that
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Okay guys i know jhon did some stuff ( i been dieing to say stuff too ) but i dont want to say it so stop saying shit just because he left
Originally Posted by rockyman View Post
Unknown and Inactive? :/

But Still Ally?

O.o who?
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions