I use my empire state building spell card to summon Statue of Liberty!!
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
wandering gang member used
Vandalize on Statue of Liberty.

its super effective!

wandering gang member gains
40xp and levels up!

wandering gang member evolved
into a pimp!

lol =D
I choose you badass cop CSI dude!
badass cop CSI dude uses: bad guys shit brix!
Its a one hit K.O.

Badass cop CSI dude gains -6000 exp.
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
Badass CSI cop dude called in backup!
Badass CSI cop dude's attack rose sharply!

Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
Pimp uses Ghetto Blaster!
Pimp's special attack rose sharply.
Pimp's special defense rose sharply.
Pimp's speed fell.
Overconfident Mall Cop used
the "I have a gun" illusion on
badass CSI cop dude. badass
CSI cop dude is confused!

i think we might be having too
much fun =)