I'm sorry to criticize you poppo, but if a person repeatedly posted useless comments I'd give them a warning, then demote/kick them. IF its that serious it needs to have a serious consequence.
Great idea Hobomoose. Next person to post a useless post is demoted once, and then, kicked if they post another useless post.
Also, ken0715312361531numbers, we'll war, if it's alright with theultimatum. He's in charge of the wars and such. I'm just that forum Ham. Also, I love how you improved your grammar just for us. <33
That guy named Poppo You know, the leader of Fyre.
I will be gone in two hours for like maybe 6 hours. So yeah. Maybe after that. I'll PM you when I return and we'll try to get a war going. Please be mature during clan wars. Makes you look bad if you're not :/.
Ok, hope to play you before you leave. When is the voting for the new Co-leader done? And also, I might not be on today for I'm bored of being in the house and the outdoors call on me.
Ok, hope to play you before you leave. When is the voting for the new Co-leader done? And also, I might not be on today for I'm bored of being in the house and the outdoors call on me.
I accidently didnt set an end date. I'll ask Fish to delete this. You win. Poppo will change it when he gets on. Yeah that's why I was off last night. Played outside. :3.
got around 5k from murdering people in duels.
So this idea popped into my head. I know we already have a fyre tourney but i was hoping we can do one with clan only...
so like each person pays 1k to enter and the tc is split from most to least with 1st place 2nd place and 3rd place.
Because the fyre tourney is filled with much stronger fighters so yea.
anyone up for this?
AND when is this friggin war gonna happen -.-