Is there a place where someone who decided on the new ranking system goes in depth on how exactly it works?
I have a lot of questions on it because it appears to work pretty weird.
For instance:
1) Are all ELO's created equal? Is 1650 mmr in a mod as global as aikido equivalent to 1650 in some random mod that only has been played by like 12 people?
2) Is there any benefit to playing more than one mod? It seems like the people who's global ranks are top 10 just pick a mod like jousting, katana, and... well mostly those, maybe wushu3, and only play the shit out of that. Every other rating is in the 1600-1610 range whereas one 1750+ rating in an obscure fast mod puts them league ahead of say someone with a 1700 rating in a fast mod and consistent 1650 region across the board in "important" mods like TK, judofrac, wushu, aikido, etc.
3) Does your mod rank ever actually matter? Does rank 1 matter more when you have only 1610 ELO in it than say rank 4012 with an ELO of 1625?
4) Does losing during a streak or maintaining a heavy streak impact elo changes?
Last edited by Bodhisattva; May 21, 2013 at 03:33 PM.