It's hard to stay away from TB :(
Belt(Black Belt or Higher Preferred)RANK MEANS NOTHING WE DONT CARE:Black (still)
Best mods(Wushu, tk, or aikido preferred):Aikido,Any parkour,Spar
Why you want to join(Do i need to explain):I was here like 2 weeks ago, started playing (Making replays) again about 3 days ago, couldnt find a clan, went back to Zero.
Infractions(Just so we know who we'll dealing with):2-Useless post- never banned
Also i need three replays posts without replays will be shunned:Below
(Last one is an edit for Mikikillaz, I did the the decap, he/she did the split.)
Last edited by Bloodstic; Feb 3, 2013 at 01:43 AM.