Our story begins in a sleepy little village known as Kirkwall. Nothing un-ordinary was happening today, people milled around the streets content each on their own business it was far too early for cheap pleasantries. The sun pushed against the clouds in a vain attempt to make itself known casting a bright ominous glow over the rain drenched cobbled streets. It was a picturesque scene and one wouldn't be surprised to see it's image clinging to a rack in small postcard shop.
This image would not deter David, he awoke to this sight every morning and it held little significance to him as he wearily made his way up the crowded street. Whistling he glanced left and right taking in shop after shop filled with shopkeepers rubbing their eyes solemnly in a cheap protest to the mornings they so furiously detested. How depressing he thought to himself. He pushed open the door leading into the bakers, standing aside to let a women pass through, she didn't return the smile or the nod. Charming. David approached the counter where he was greeted by a grunt from the baker who resembled some sort of overgrown badger.
"Yeah, I'll have the pepperoni pizza bread please" David indicated pointing out the snack to the baker, with another grunt the pizza was bagged and David was back on his way whistling once more. But then something caught his attention...
To the right from an alleyway came the distinct sound of a scream. Not a female scream, a male scream. A scream of pure agony. Seconds passed like minutes as David stood frozen to the spot indecisively. Should he investigate this noise? Should he carry on his way like every other putrid coward that haunted these streets. What to do...
To be continued....