Also very nice art.
I like the left picture more than the right one huehuehuehehueheuheue
u killed me Oaky xDD also thx
Looking good broo. Is it abstract? I find this painting quite pleasing actually.
yes its abstract i just let my inspiration do and my hand follow my mine to do some synergiq form . and i m happy u feel it good
I love your dreadlocks. Makes me wish I didnt cut mine off
And your paintings are very nice. I could see those in a rich guys hallways xD
and i hope i will not have to cut mine its the 3rd time i grow drea cos my father don't like and cut them off now haven't authority to do it ^^'.I hope rich guy have mine paint in them hallways
Last edited by aurelien91; Mar 12, 2017 at 12:51 AM.