Originally Posted by Przero View Post
anyone have a jungle olaf build/guide? don't link mobafire cause those are basically horrible ('cept for urics talon guide <3)

more gold efficient jungling build:
boots and pots
merc threads
frozen mallet
.....that's kind of it for core items. after that just build tanky ad such as warmog, atmas, maw of malamortus.

easier jungling build:
armor and pots
madreds razor
merc threads
wriggles lantern
same at this point.

Originally Posted by sham View Post
Hexdrinker against a jayce. New meta.

Also, I carried hard today, adc ezreal. I had an AD ANIVA mid on my team. Fed the fuck out of dat kogmaw. To say the least, I saved the day. Dat anivia built bloodthirster. Tooooo stroooooonk.

I really, really want to get Kog'Maw.
I was saving my ip, then he goes on sale.
o to hell riot.
Making me spend my RP.
daddy kill the spider
I have about 6 people who I actually jungle vampiric scepter for, olaf is one of them.

i use solomid for all my guides because well solomid is the best!

(only thing i change is starting vampiric scepter, which works well if you have the runes provided)

also yeah ed, pretty much his logic.

sham: yeah that hexdrinker and merc treads saved him a lot!
So, I just played my first2 ranked games.

I lost the first one reasonably, their team was better.

So, on the second game I start really good, kill nasus 2 times in top.
Then kata thinks it's time to fuck up and feeds like hell.

I hate the LoL community
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
clarity on ad carry.... what? or no wait that was wrong.. clarity? why the fuck would you use clarity

also... no jungle? O.o
I'm a fucking professional!
Your AD carry, support, and top support are bad, and they should feel bad.

Even I don't fail that hard at cs. And I spent literally all my time from lvl 1-30 playing Blitz support (read as: no practice).

Also, Olaf doesn't need merc treads because of his ult. I'd only get it if they're significantly cc heavy, like every person has a stun. Every other case I'd get ninja tabi because your ult should cover all your anti-cc needs.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by laststand View Post
clarity on ad carry.... what? or no wait that was wrong.. clarity? why the fuck would you use clarity

also... no jungle? O.o

Welcome to placement matches!

Also, ~1k elo. Wee!
Originally Posted by Dose View Post
Are there any LoL tournaments held in australia? Specifically Melbourne?

Hey Dose, Cydus Internet Gaming Cafe on Victoria Street (opposite Victoria Market) is having a upcoming League of Legends Tournament.
Check out their event page for more information.

1st $600
2nd $400
3rd $300
4th $200

ENTRY FEE: $15 per person.

The tournament will be run as a 5v5, best of 3 rounds (top 8 shot out like AFL finals)

CLOSE DATE: Friday the 9th of November, 2012.
Maximum entries will be 24 teams.
$20 per person to join after 9th November, 2012.
You might want to work on your cs. With a score of 10/8/4 against 5/4/2, you were probably controlling top lane. However, he has almost double your cs, which shouldn't have happened. You either are spending too much time roaming as top, or you aren't getting your last hits. That also makes your BT a lot more useless.

Top should really only roam when either a) your mid is getting stomped or is getting overextended on, or b) top is getting stomped and you have a large (20 or so) cs advantage, so you can afford to leave the lane. Helping the jungle when he's invading or is invaded is an exception to this. If he needs help, you usually give it. It can result in a kill on the enemy jungle and some free buffs, which is always sweet and usually results in easy lane dominance.

Csing should be your priority in lane, only going for harass when they go for a behind lines cs (i.e. caster minion when some melee are still up), or when you know you can win an exchange and have no enemy minions really low on health. The first situation gives the first hit advantage, as their aa is being used for a cs. This also means if they retaliate, they're surrounded by your minions, so you get all the minions aa as help, while his minions have to move forward and around your minions to attack you. They're also further extended, which means you have less distance to retreat than he does. Keep in mind that every time you aa harass, you push your lane a little bit because enemy minion agro changes to you for a brief moment, which lets your minions get free hits on the enemy minions, pushing the lane. The second is more to bully them out of getting cs. This allows you to freely cs and get a gold advantage. This heavily pushes the lane, and opens you up to ganks. Wards are necessary when you start to zone.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games