Bigger Problem This Time Than My Last Problem
I have no clue what the f is going on here, but it's really, excuse my French, pissing me off.
When I save a replay it looks fine, but then when I open it in another window to view it again, Uke goes crazy and the rest of the replay is really REALLY messed up. I tried to take screenshots that show his joints strangely out of place on the first frame, but those didn't save well for some other reason.
I tried moving him further away, but that didn't help at all.
Here are the replays that show you what I'm talking about (in the first one, I only move shoulders every 50 frames, that's all I do myself.)
If no one here can help me at all, I'll try it on the support sub-forum.
NOTE: Until (or if) I get this problem fixed, I won't be able to do ANY replays AT ALL.