@drakeco, i know not why 77077 sign up for a clan event but he didn't show up
edit : not enough words
how to become a senior member, forumite and etc?
Last edited by Xipherion; Feb 17, 2013 at 04:54 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Not correct strong force is strong in both!
So war is out?
clans like fish, urbanunit almost never go ingame dude. But for a clan to truly be good it hadst to have a balance. Of the two. Then again a clan that is trying to get back right, hds to work on there in froum activeness then move on to the ingame stuff. Remember a clan isn't a clan an can die if they are not froum active
Last edited by Drakeco; Feb 18, 2013 at 01:54 PM.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!