Originally Posted by Lume View Post
I do believe i've never lost a ranked game with tryndamere.

Also, his passive applies mostly when he is low hp, sure it's good when you have your ult up but I would rather be able to hit crits 100% or close, especially with infinity edge which doubles the damage criticals do.

100% crit doesn't mean anything if you are dead and his passive only allows up to 50% crit increase (with no health remaining). If you want to be an idiot and use his ultimate when you have no health remaining, go for it. You know his ultimate doesn't make him immune to stuns and etc? Any good team could stop a raged tryndamere and finish them, fairly easily.

I took a look at some items tryndamere should be getting besides stacking avarice blades. Infinity edge, Phantom dancer and Executioner's calling give 65% crit making his ultimate safer and more reasonable to use earlier. This should be all the crit you need unless you want to PLAY AROUND WITH HIM
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Time to prove yooou wrong.

Let's see, I got 3-4 triple kills, a quadra kill BY MYSELF, I solo'd baron and I got 4 turrets down, 27-8-6.

Screenshot provided since you feel like you know everything.

Oh and this wasn't with the "worst team to go against" or anything, we were playing with around level 30'

How does that prove him wrong?

a) The Ashe on the other team is probably straight garbage. Building the Lantern, not getting boots at all after 43 minutes?

b) He said ONLY crit items. You got two crit items in Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer, and both of those not only give you crit (a hefty 50% chance, I must admit), but they give you AD, AS, double crit damage (great on Tryndamere, either way you wanna build him) and even dodge and movement speed, which actually come in quite handy for some tighter situations. Additionally you got a damage + armor pen item in Black Cleaver and an AS + armor pen item in Last Whisper. If that is crit ONLY (which ChrisDom said) you must be on something.

Your build is very well-rounded, if a bit expensive, and I quite like it. I just don't see how you proved Chris wrong. In fact, I think you both agree without realizing it.

I guess you can add my name to the list. It's, unsurprisingly, Nepo11. Haven't been playing that long, only a couple months, but I'm level 30. I main Ezreal/Jax, though I haven't been playing Jax much recently.
Last edited by Nepo; Jul 24, 2010 at 03:17 AM.
Well after seeing some videos about Garen/Gangplank I can't decide which one of them to get.

I think both of them seems to be a good champ or they're old school now?
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Originally Posted by Deathsoldi View Post
Well after seeing some videos about Garen/Gangplank I can't decide which one of them to get.

I think both of them seems to be a good champ or they're old school now?

Definitely garen, you will get bored of gangplank.
Garen is tons more boring than gangplank. And Garen is a fairly new character, so I wouldn't consider him old school.