What is your name in real life: Nivelson Tebaldi
What is your name in-game: Nivelson
How many time do you spend in-game:Around 4 hours
how many time do you spend in-forums:Around 5 hours
What is your belt: ( it really afect your possibilities to be in [PsY]): 3dan black belt 500 games for 4dan
What is you best mod: ( Just one no more )Aikidobigdojo
Why do you wanna join? ( you have to write more than 30 words ): Well, I know I have a lot to offer,I have learned a lot during my time in the game
WHat is you GMT: -3 [Brazil]
Why do you think that you are [PsY] material:Because I am active in the forum and game
Have you received any ban/infraction? If yes, tell us why.:1 Spam
Show us 3 single player replays and 3 multiplayer replays ( the multiplayer replays have to be in your best mode ):I have no replays in single player
With what you can help the clan? ( nothing stupid like "with my skill in-game" or "with donations":With my experience,I've been co leader of a clan
What was your post clans?[-Neon] Co-leader, [Void] Member, [NM] Member
Last edited by nivelson; May 6, 2012 at 04:06 AM.