Wushu drama, the sequel.
Résumé of previous épisode :
"Act 4:
The opposing forces are all gathered in /scrubs to discuss a peace and in the meantime try to figure out a mod together.
Act 5 :
All the parties came to some kind of agreement.
The octogone will be slightly changed to become a dom (walls tilted inward) and walls + ceiling have no friction. This way it will be harder to use the walls to run around the ring.
I'll deal with the point system once the dome is made, we agreed on not giving an advantage to arms over legs, so shins and forearms will most likely both have a x1 mutliplier. The rest of the points will be a slight rebalance of wushu_2015 gradual points.
DM & Frac treshold are being discussed, we'll have to find some kind of compromise.
Options are :
150 frac / 230 dm
180 frac / 250 dm
200 frac / 300 dm
to be continued.
I personally think 150/230 is too low, it gives too much space to randomness : clinchs and rubbing with 4/5 fracs, random self inflicted frac for legit momentum stops or strong momentum building etc...
180/250 is alright, I think it's a good compromise.
200/300 is my favorite, I think the higher the tresh are the more rewarding fracs & dm feel. It's a serious way to cripple your opponent or even win (limb dq) and randomness should be out of the equation. Especially if we want to use the mod for competitive play