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clans like fish, urbanunit almost never go ingame dude. But for a clan to truly be good it hadst to have a balance. Of the two. Then again a clan that is trying to get back right, hds to work on there in froum activeness then move on to the ingame stuff. Remember a clan isn't a clan an can die if they are not froum active
In the end I just think you have to give your member she space to do what they want, some just want to play ingame (which is good for wars, events and recruitment), some go ingame and on the forum (which is great, so then you can build up good bonds and have a happy little community) or you get the players who stay on the forums (players like me, good players for leading, helping others to get to know the forum better and being a good friend to talk to. A surprising bunch they are, don't you think?)