People should really play fiddlesticks more often, just got back into playing him and he's hella fun. Who cares what others think, building him right gives one mean ulti.
Ended up triple killing in a match and quadra killing the other, they didn't even know what hit em. Nothing like a nice CAW CAW from the brush.
Bought Rumble, and I got the perfect chance to try him out.
My friend started playing, and him being level 1, it only made sense to blind pick 5v5 pvp with him. Those level 20's never saw my ult coming. Quadra kill.
Merc Treads/Ninja Tabi -> (HoG if playing poorly) -> Phage -> Wit's End -> Frozen Mallet -> (Randuin's Omen/Guardian's Angel/Force of Nature/Warmog's Armor/Atma's Impaler)