Originally Posted by hepimen View Post
I'm pretty active in-game. However, I'm a University professor and it's the time of finals so I might be quite busy atm

What do you teach, if you don't mind me asking?
Yes, tell us every minute detail of your life. We're nosy people and we need fulfillment.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Professor, huh? Do you have a PhD?

If so, did you enjoy your experience pursuing it? Would you recommend it to anyone else? I only ask because I've been looking into PhD programs for Economics, and while I'm sure the experience is different in the social sciences than in Humanities (correct me that's not what yours would classify as, my apologies) I'd love to hear about it firsthand.

I've hundreds of other questions, but I'll save those for another time, haha.
nothing much

Originally Posted by Fancy View Post
Professor, huh? Do you have a PhD?

If so, did you enjoy your experience pursuing it? Would you recommend it to anyone else? I only ask because I've been looking into PhD programs for Economics, and while I'm sure the experience is different in the social sciences than in Humanities (correct me that's not what yours would classify as, my apologies) I'd love to hear about it firsthand.

I've hundreds of other questions, but I'll save those for another time, haha.

I'm currently working on my PhD while teaching at the same university. I guess I shouldn't use that title yet but still, feels like I made it already I started 'doctorising' myself about a year ago and well, if you consider woking in education, then yes - it's definitely worth it as brings a huge difference to your future salary. But if you don't want to end up as a professor then just let it go because companies, corporations and places like these won't really care whether you've got a masters or phd.
If you have any more questions, feel free to pm me. However - PHD in Europe and PHD in the US are slightly different.
Last edited by hepimen; Jan 25, 2015 at 09:19 PM.
See, we're active!

Anyway, That's pretty damn cool Hepi. I'll manage to be online sometime later this week in-game (omgitsamiracle) and I'll kick all the arses. See ya then!
Originally Posted by Templar View Post
See, we're active!

Anyway, That's pretty damn cool Hepi. I'll manage to be online sometime later this week in-game (omgitsamiracle) and I'll kick all the arses. See ya then!

all the arses

Are you sure about that? As far as I remember... there's one ass that you can only dream of kicking :o
Originally Posted by Shrook View Post
That would be his 恋人's arse.

Making me pull out the good ol' Google translate. :/

I'll try and me on for this miracle you speak of Templar.