Don't you guys think they should nerf rengars q a bit?
It seems a bit too op
full ferocity on q equals about 1/4 of the turrets health
Did you guys test out Elise yet? Her ult is amazing! Good for the overall game, but I only tried her on 5v5 proving grounds.
Dose is dead.
Originally Posted by Dose View Post
Did you guys test out Elise yet? Her ult is amazing! Good for the overall game, but I only tried her on 5v5 proving grounds.

she looks nice but i dont like her skills that much, i will try her when she´s free, if she makes fun ill think about it to get her, but so far ill save up for rumble/skarner/vlad (still not sure who i should get.)
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Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
not only does he gain the health from the ghouls, he gains health from all the minions that die. so yorick harass means absolutely nothing, and even if he goes all in to kill trundle he can just walk away.

the nasus one was a joke, but yeah, yorick is far from uncounterable.

He still doesn't do that well, trundle can get kited hard in that lane thanks to lack of gapcloser and just generally being outclassed by most tanky dps at the moment.
Originally Posted by purangel View Post
Don't you guys think they should nerf rengars q a bit?
It seems a bit too op
full ferocity on q equals about 1/4 of the turrets health

Bonus damage getting nerfed from 150% to 100% in next patch.

I'm fairly suprised to see that it actually got nerfed before someone raped with it in Pro tournaments..

Also, Rengar & Kha'Zix = guaranteed first blood.
Originally Posted by BlubKill View Post
she looks nice but i dont like her skills that much, i will try her when she´s free, if she makes fun ill think about it to get her, but so far ill save up for rumble/skarner/vlad (still not sure who i should get.)

Skarner, So easy to always live never die with him.
Listen to hippy, he's an awesome skarner

haeuheuahsuh. but really though lol.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

So I've never had an interest in supports, but I played Nunu support the other day because screw you I'm a yeti, and it was pretty enjoyable. Anyone got anything to say about him?
daddy kill the spider