Christmas Lottery
I am lucky I am my own boss. Actually my father is but I am co-assisting.
Going for Mechanic Engineer(not sure if thats how it is said on English)
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]


Its sad but true that there really a lot of guys thinking they can repair stuff that actually have no idea what there doing...
I once ha d a guy who fixed his car exhaust with a cola can....
<Aeon><Master Belt><Gamers Inc.><RMO><GERMAN Unibash Manager>
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Spaft|Vipertech|Chirs|Jormungandr|SocKeTe|threedog 2|Habeeb|SXDave
Have a big test tomorrow. It contains 4 tests
And 1) today was my father's bday.
2) stayed up till 00:00
And test is at 9:00. Wish me luck.
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]