Calamity charges wayy more than 100k for 512 set :). Submerge is paying him $14 and like 100k TC. He puts a lot of effort into his work, and it looks amazing! He should teach me once I get my wacom table :D. It'll be a month or two, but it's k.
Haha u knoe how much calamity usually charges haha but I trust him on it so all I need is the tc :3 but before I get the name change I wanna look like the name XD if you all remember the name I want.
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"

What is your name going to be? I forgot because I have bad memory or I just don't listen at times lol. So many people are wanting name changes nowadays. I was going to change my name, but I was like: Nahh, BuZe is good, because it sounds original, and I made it up myself.
I think he wanted it to Scotty ugh i really gotta in a gm tourney or something xD i gotta get 20k than the ad phones are mind than all left is the name change -Kai- soon you will be mine
lol i like that name haha what if i changed my name to that ;) before you haha but i wouldent do that to you and your getting Ad phones cool
║ OŁƉɅ ║
Erm idk I have many names I want which I can use but that's just one I want, ugh no im not getting AdPhones I cant get 20k xD I cant win tourneys or bets I kinda give up welp there goes my dreams xD
Oh my gosh buz you for shure don't listen hahaha. I wanna change it to poseiden. It suits the clan :3 so I thought it was clever
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"

Originally Posted by Buze View Post
Calamity charges wayy more than 100k for 512 set . Submerge is paying him $14 and like 100k TC. He puts a lot of effort into his work, and it looks amazing! He should teach me once I get my wacom table . It'll be a month or two, but it's k.

i charge that much because its with joints for him his set will be the last one i make for a while also anymore ideas? xp
I still take texture requests for usd
Hey guys, hows it going? Anyone down to help me train in tk or lenshu (ew) tommorrow? Idk not much to do really. Well today was my bday, i had fun. Most of the fun will be happening on tuesday so yeah i might or might not be on then. I also got a new keyboard and mouse for the people who know my old ones used to freeze. Now im not used to it not freezing =(. Got 2nd in a gmtourney today 'twas cool, nerf rekd me in the finals because im bad and such. I have 7 Shiai what should i do with it? Thats about it for me, how you guys doing?!!
@Gas- Ill help with Tk, Happy Birthday by the way!

@Everyone- Guys I was thinking about adding a replay showcase section to our first post where we show off replays from guys in our clan. So I was wondering if you guys would want we to add that to the first post or not. Also if you want me to add that feel free to post a replay that you want in the showcase section.

There will only be 5 replays there at a time and I'll swap them out every 2 weeks or so for new ones you guys make.

So give me feedback please, and if you guys like the idea ill make it happen
[JollyR] [Ct] |Event Squad| (Au) [xp]
Pill || Calamity || Dropkick || Jere