Yes, sorry about the late reply, school and sleep. JTMachinima (second dan) , 3zi0(low belt) , and 66sick (low belt).
Nick Names:lloyd fluffington

Belt:7th dan black belt

How do you act in game?:im nice most of the time.

About how many times do you post on the forums weekly?:weekly

Do you use IRC or Skype?:skype/sharkmanlloyd

Why are you applying for [Evil]?:they seem like awesome people and are good at the game i would love to join.

Have you been banned/infracted in the past (if so, for what):ive been infracted 2 times form scam and items

Favorite mod?:TK mushu aikido xspar erth tk

Skills outside toribash?:i do acrobatic in real life its fun

What was the last Clan you were in?:lazerHD Mecha Aggilty JackAzz

Do you have any alternative accounts?:Earthsun Roalls Kakes2244

Vouchers(who would say you're good enough to get in):im not to sure but i think many

Do you agree with the [Evil] Code?:yes 1000%
and who evers reading this thanks i would love to be in the team your all rock thanks.
Instant deny, you failed to write I am Evil, along with other things I did not like.
Minecraft is full of autistic 8 year olds -Goat 2015