View Poll Results: Which of the ones below do you thing is a good clan saying?
*slap* Could've had Juice!
1 Votes / 7.69%
Simply Juice.
0 Votes / 0%
Let me show you my Juice.
0 Votes / 0%
Please drink responsibly.
8 Votes / 61.54%
V9˝ FusionŽ.
0 Votes / 0%
110% Real.
4 Votes / 30.77%
Voters: 13. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by ownagehuh View Post
Because its practically useless, you could easily say " Hey guys i'm on right now, come join *roomnamehere*" in the general discussion.

Why are you all conservitive with threads now?

We already have a "Where Are You" thread, why not use that, instead of general discussion. Because THAT would be a waste of a thread.

I'd say we sticky it because we have it.
Because the general discussion thread is already made and has been made since we were official?

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Originally Posted by ownagehuh View Post
Because the general discussion thread is already made and has been made since we were official?

That doesn't mean crap.

If Reanimator went out of his way to make a completely new thread for it, sure I would call it a waste. But coming from sombody who is telling applying members to make completely new threads to apply means nothing to me.

I would also agree that a big bulky sticky thread is annoying. But I personally, think it needs to be a sticky to let others know exactly where we are.

And telling sombody you are online is not a discussion, is it? It's more of a decloration.

So with that, I say we make a vote.

Yay for it being stickied

Ney for it to stay unstickied.

I vote Yay because I am now game active, adn find it very usefull to have. And shouldn't have it be buried
Indeed it was very nice.
Suck on this... i edited my long jump replay.
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0 Long Jump.rpl (57.8 KB, 7 views)
bring back wibbles